Visit Cancelled : New Bishop of AZ to visit St. John’s Nov 3, 2019
Episcopal Bishop Jennifer Reddall
Visits St. Johns Church Nov. 3
Just an update, the Bishop has had to cancel her visit to St John’s due to a serious medical issue with her young son. Please pray for his continued healing and for strength for the whole family.
Arizona’s Episcopal Church made history last spring when Rev. Jennifer Reddall was ordained and consecrated as the sixth bishop – and the first woman elected to lead the Grand Canyon State’s diocese. More than 1,400 people attended that historic service, thousands more viewed the event live-streamed on social media.
Globe-Miami residents won’t have to deal with similar crowds or faraway parking Nov. 3 when they have a much more up-close and personal opportunity to meet Bishop Reddall, when she’s the special guest at St. John’s Episcopal Church here in Globe.
“Of course, guests from all faiths are always welcome at St. Johns,” said Pastor Byron Mills, “and this special visit from Bishop Reddall gives me a chance to repeat that invitation. She’s an inspiring speaker – and has proven to be a dynamic leader of our statewide diocese over the past seven months. I, for one, am eager to hear Bishop Reddall tell us how the Episcopal Church continues to grow and become more inclusive – she’s a living example of that, and I also hope girls and young women who attend our service that Sunday spend the rest of their day inspired – and dreaming about how their own energy, prayers and passion could some day bring a leadership position, or clerical service.”
St. Johns’ Sunday services begin at 9:00 a.m. Pastor Mills suggests readers verify updated posts describing a more specific schedule for the morning to be posted at the St. Johns Globe page on Facebook – and also at
Known for the beautiful stained glass handmade by local artists, St. John’s Episcopal Church stands at 185 East Oak Street in Globe – adjacent to the historic 1910 Gila County Jail. Built in 1907, the 13,070 square foot church was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1977, and is often a featured stop during globe’s annual springtime weekend tour of historic buildings and homes.
Events this week include a healing service Oct. 16 Wednesday at 12:15 pm, and Sunday worship Oct. 20 at 9:00 am. Questions or need to verify the schedule? Call Pastor Byron Mills at (928) 425-5160
The Diocese of Arizona was established in 1959, and has approximately 20,000 members in 12,500 households in more than 60 congregations. Bishop Reddall was ordained in style last March: a traditional choir numbering 90 singers from churches around the diocese were joined by musicians included Native American drumming and singing, a South Sudanese choir, a Spanish choir and a Mariachi band.
Reddall was elected at the Diocesan Convention in October, 2018, on the first ballot. Prior to election, she was the rector of Church of the Epiphany in New York, New York, a position she held since 2014. Reddall grew up in California, and after graduating from Yale University with a degree in theater studies, she joined the Episcopal Urban Intern Program in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from the General Theological Seminary in New York City with a Master of Divinity degree in 2002. Reddall has one son, Nathan. Her parents moved to Tucson, Arizona, in 2016. She is in a long-term relationship with Paul Sheehan, who lives primarily in Hong Kong.